I’m back and Charon audio is live!

First things first, our sexy car loving titan is live on audio and available everywhere! Here is a link if you want to check it out.

There are still another four God’s Universe audio to come, and I’m going to have announcements on the rest of my catalogue soon for you audio junkies.

The ebook is also free today to celebrate. Due to some ‘Zon fuckery, the Thanatos free promo didn’t work last month so I’ve made it free today as well. Grab them here!

In other news, I’m back from my holiday to Italy and feeling sooo much better. Turns out I wasn’t burned out I just need to eat my body weight in pasta and sit in a spa bath every night. Kidding, I was burned out AF. Being ADHD it’s hard to tell when you’re burning too hot, and stopping is a trial on its own. The spa and saunas definitely helped get me into calm down mode and assess this crazy ass year I’ve had. I swear I was going to slow down this year and instead I’ve had *checks notes* 15 releases (including audio and boxsets). It kind of took on a life on its own and got away on me, but I’m so grateful that I can do this job every day and not be locked into my old cubicle job. It’s A LOT of work but I love the shit out of it.

That’s why I spent my holiday gathering lots and lots of notes for my Roman Goddesses that I will be writing next. I’ve just gotten the covers for them and I’m just about leaping out of my skin to start them. I have some family and life stuff to sort out in the next few weeks but then I’ll be hitting the key board hard and starting on PERSEPHONE. I’ve wanted to write this story for about three years now, so expect it to be as unhinged as I feel about it. I’m not putting a pre-order up on it but expect it sometime in January or earlier, depends how quickly it comes out of me. If you really need new some new Alessa content, don’t forget my Ream Stories gets a new chapter of a sexy vampire novella every week so make sure you check it out! It’s a really nice community over there, and everyone is welcome.

For now, go and enjoy CHARON!

Alessa x

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